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Message #2588 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  According to Jeff Pearlman's new biography, 'Love Me, Hate Me', Barry Bonds told Ken Griffey, Jr. after the '98 season that he was seriously thinking about taking steroids
Date:  3/14/06, 8:18pm
Jeff Pearlman found another revelation, which demonstrates yet again Barry Bonds' narcissistic attitude. Bonds told Ken Griffey, Jr. at a dinner after the 1998 season, "You know what. I had a helluva season last year and nobody gave a crap. Nobody. As much as I've complained about McGwire and Canseco and all of the bull with steroids, I'm tired of fighting it. I turn 35 this year. I've got three or four good seasons left, and I wanna get paid. I'M JUST GOING TO START USING SOME HARD-CORE STUFF and hopefully it won't hurt my body. Then, I'll get out of the game and be done with it."

According to several witnesses, Griffey said, "When I'm retired, I want them to at least be able to say, there's no question in our minds that he did it the right way. I have kids. I don't want them to think their dad's a cheater."

Without a doubt, Ken Griffey, Jr. is a class act and personifies what good sportsmanship is all about. He even refused a big money offer from the Yankees and signed with his hometown team for much less. Griffey is a true Hall of Famer all the way and Cooperstown shouldn't hesitate to take him once he is eligible.

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Message #2589 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: According to Jeff Pearlman's new biography, 'Love Me, Hate Me', Barry Bonds told Ken Griffey, Jr. after the '98 season that he was seriously thinking about taking steroids
Date:  3/14/06, 10:12pm
Hey Jaydawg,

Baseball needs Griffey more than ever. I hope he stays healthy this year because he shows what this is all about. He has been snotty at times, too, but The Kid is the kind of icon Barry could've been.

In a small way, I feel bad for Barry. What a miserable way to go around, despite all the money, thinking you just aren't popular enough. This seems to contradict his antagonistic attitude toward the press all of these years, but it's clear (steroid pun intended) that he let the ego get in the way of his marvelous accomplishments.

I hope, and Rob take note of this, that Baseball Geeks can start promoting the good guys (as far as we can tell) so that we can all appreciate the great game instead of wallow in its negative side.

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Message #2592 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  familyman
Subject:  Re: According to Jeff Pearlman's new biography, 'Love Me, Hate Me', Barry Bonds told Ken Griffey, Jr. after the '98 season that he was seriously thinking about taking steroids
Date:  3/15/06, 3:27am
I know a lot of fans were upset with Junior for going to the Reds, but I never could blame him for wanting to play with his dad.

The was his career has unfolded makes me a little sad, but there's no doubt he's a great player and a good guy. Too bad Bonds didn't see that all he had to do was continue playing the way he was and eventually he'd get the recognition he deserved.

Griffey is the Anti-Bonds.

And I tire of the excuse being floated around that MLB basically forced Bonds into this position because of the McGwire/Sosa stuff.

Regardless of how many players are/were juicing, there are players like Junior who didn't fall into that trap. That should count for something.

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Message #2594 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Guest8810 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: According to Jeff Pearlman's new biography, 'Love Me, Hate Me', Barry Bonds told Ken Griffey, Jr. after the '98 season that he was seriously thinking about taking steroids
Date:  3/15/06, 8:37am
Griffey is a lock for the Hall, probably 1st ballot. He's got over 500 HR's and counting.

If Bonds, and the other juicers get in, it diminshes the place, at least in the short term.

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Message #2604 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Guest8810 (IP:
Subject:  Re: According to Jeff Pearlman's new biography, 'Love Me, Hate Me', Barry Bonds told Ken Griffey, Jr. after the '98 season that he was seriously thinking about taking steroids
Date:  3/16/06, 10:56am
I hadn't heard yet that the baseball Commission had reported any hard facts about steroid usage by active players. Until then I will cling to the idea that barry is telling the truth-this is America-isn't it?

It saddens me to think that someone I have admired for his baseball abilities has "cheated" I will try to stave off that sadness until the "fact" is revealed to us by the commission. Meanwhile, I will try not to fall prey to hearsay.

Go Giants!

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Message #2608 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: According to Jeff Pearlman's new biography, 'Love Me, Hate Me', Barry Bonds told Ken Griffey, Jr. after the '98 season that he was seriously thinking about taking steroids
Date:  3/16/06, 8:35pm
Grif is and always will be one of my favorite players. I personally loved it when he went to Cinci because 10)that is where he from 2)he joined his dad and 3)the Reds needed him more than the Yankees or any other team at the time. I lived in Cinci for a few years and lovd seeing him in a Reds uniform. As far as him being the anti-Bonds, I couldn't help but agree with the guy who said that Barry would eventually gotten the recognition he deserved. He is every bit the talent that Griffy is and may even be better. However, his attitude was piss poor towards the media, which admit it or not folks, players need the media for a number of reasons. Early on, Barry's main problem is that he played for Pittsburg, and aside from one playoff series with the Braves, they never reached their potential. The "Killer B's" was a failed marketing attempt when it came to competeing with the "Bash Brothers"or "Bo Knows" mania. That is why he didn't get the attention. I still enjoy watching Barry play baseaball. He looks better than I thought he would this spring. I just hope Griffy can have another year like he did last year. How good would that be for baseball?

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Message #2616 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad
Subject:  Re: According to Jeff Pearlman's new biography, 'Love Me, Hate Me', Barry Bonds told Ken Griffey, Jr. after the '98 season that he was seriously thinking about taking steroids
Date:  3/17/06, 9:52am
If he stays healthy Junior will put up great numbers. Here's hoping!

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Message #6097 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Re: According to Jeff Pearlman's new biography, 'Love Me, Hate Me', Barry Bonds told Ken Griffey, Jr. after the '98 season that he was seriously thinking about taking steroids
Date:  2/22/09, 9:37pm
For those who don't believe that Griffey is a classy guy, here's some proof that should help change your thinking. FYI, Pearlman is the guy who wrote the infamous John Rocker article in Sports Illustrated. When Griff becomes eligible for the Hall of Fame, I'll be surprised if any sportswriter refuses to vote him in.

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