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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "BALCO's Victor Conte says he never gave Barry Bonds steroids, but acknowledged that he distributed some to Bonds' personal trainer, Greg Anderson " Thread

Message #2620 of 6634  *NEW*
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Subject:  BALCO's Victor Conte says he never gave Barry Bonds steroids, but acknowledged that he distributed some to Bonds' personal trainer, Greg Anderson
Date:  3/18/06, 10:04am
At least Bonds was smart enough to use a middle man to get the juice. Good thinking, Ba-Bo!!! But, Conte said he thought that Greg Anderson purchased the steroids for himself only. Yeah, right... With common sense, you should figure out that if Bonds' personal trainer-- a non professional athlete representing a guy in a sport where steroids is never tested-- comes to you looking for some illegal substance, then chances are that he's not wanting it exclusively for himself. I'm curious to see what Anderson has to say about this.

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