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Message #2680 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Which MLB Team Has The Best Reserves?
Date:  3/21/06, 7:32pm (Last Edited: 3/21/06, 7:36pm)
I'm a Dodger fan, but looking at it objectively--Vin Scully style--, I'd have to say that L.A. has the best reserves in the majors. They have guys such as, Jayson Worth, Hee Seop Choi, Cesar Izturis, and Olmedo Saenz, who are all capable of being quality starters on most teams. The Blue Jays should be a close second with Eric Hinske, Reed Johnson, and Gregg Zaun.

When the starters are struggling, you need a solid bench to pick up the slack. The way I see it, the Dodgers haven't had a bench this good since '88 (their last W.S. championship) when they were led by the likes of Mickey Hatcher, Candy Maldonado, Mike Davis, and Mariano Duncan, among a few others all known as the stunt men.

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