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Message #3230 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Arroyo wins, allowing 0 runs in 8 innings, with 8 Ks. Is this guy for real?
Date:  4/26/06, 3:00pm
I say no. He pitched today in a pitchers' park. Given some more time, I expect him to have similar numbers as last year which ain't bad, but it ain't too good, either.

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Message #3241 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Anonymous
Subject:  Re: Arroyo wins, allowing 0 runs in 8 innings, with 8 Ks. Is this guy for real?
Date:  4/26/06, 4:39pm
>I say no. He pitched today in a pitchers' park. Given some
>more time, I expect him to have similar numbers as last year
>which ain't bad, but it ain't too good, either.

I think it's a little "yes" a little "no".

He hasn't pitched in the national league in years, so the batters are mostly new to, he has something to prove and, let's face it - he's facing one less hitter with every outing. So he's pitching well, but being in the National League is helping too.

I was totally against the Arroyo/Pena trade. Still am. But not because he's pitching so well in Cincinnati. I don't think he'd be pitching that well in Boston - but he WOULD be a big help in the bullpen and as our #5 starter while tub-o-lard Wells is on the DL.

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Message #3245 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: Arroyo wins, allowing 0 runs in 8 innings, with 8 Ks. Is this guy for real?
Date:  4/27/06, 6:36am
Willie Mo is too good of a raw talent to not have made that trade...not to mention the contract difference helps the Sox. Arroyo, as you said, would have been the Sox #5 starter...contributing just as much in Fenway as just about anyone else we stuck in that slot. He was too good to not trade however and Theo got a player in Willie Mo that will really help the Sox when/if Trot tests the free agent market. WMP has too much raw talent that can be turned into skills with some better coaching and better players around him teaching him the way (Papi in particular). Arroyo doesn't add enough to the bullpen (or rotation) to justify NOT trading him in this deal.

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