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Message #3249 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  What Did You Say You'd Give For A Red Sox World Series Win?
Date:  4/27/06, 10:04am
It's a bit old at this point, but it was just posted to You Tube a few days ago and is still hilarious

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Message #3255 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Conor
Subject:  Re: What Did You Say You'd Give For A Red Sox World Series Win?
Date:  4/27/06, 8:29pm
How long are the freakin' Sox fans going to dwell on this? Wasn't "Fever Pitch" enough? Your booyyyy Damon is on America's team now and Pedro plays for Los Mets now. It's done. Ya. F'get abow-dit. It has got to the point where I would rather see footage of Janet's nipple again. All you Sox fans want to be is Yankees anyway, it's like a bad complex. The only differnce between you and them is the accent. I was glad to see the Chicago White Sox win it last year just so I didn't have to hear about the damn curse or the evil cancerous Yankees. While I give props to A Rod and Papi, show me some Stros, some Tigers, some A's, some MArlins, etc. Someone not in New England or L.A. please. Let us be reminded that there is baseball in other cities in the heart of this country, not just the armpits.

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Message #3267 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad
Subject:  Re: What Did You Say You'd Give For A Red Sox World Series Win?
Date:  4/28/06, 7:11am
whoa, calm down down there. Seemed like a bit too much anger built up there. Let me guess...Royals fan? Bitter Astros' fan? Either way, I know you have no idea about the whole Yankee/Red Sox, Boston/New York thing because if you did you'd never had said some a ridiculous thing as "you just want to be Yankees". The fact is, yes there are more teams out there but here's the thing: they don't bring in the ratings, which is a shame for MLB. The White Sox/Astros WS was the worst rated WS in the past 20 yrs (or something along those lines). Sports in larger markets (Boston, NEw York, LA) will ALWAYS stand out more than those in smaller ones (Kansas City, Texas, Florida, etc) for two simple reasons: Media do fans. The media is smaller and the fans from the bigger markets are spread out throughout the country, spreading their excitement for their original hometown teams and thus creating a much larger market for them both media-wise and marketability-wise. For every fan that is sick and tired of hearing about a big market team, there's 3 that aren't.

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Message #3268 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Conor
Subject:  Re: What Did You Say You'd Give For A Red Sox World Series Win?
Date:  4/28/06, 8:28am
>whoa, calm down down there. Seemed like a bit too much anger
>built up there. Let me guess...Royals fan? Bitter Astros' fan?
>Either way, I know you have no idea about the whole Yankee/Red
>Sox, Boston/New York thing because if you did you'd never had
>said some a ridiculous thing as "you just want to be Yankees".
>The fact is, yes there are more teams out there but here's the
>thing: they don't bring in the ratings, which is a shame for
>MLB. The White Sox/Astros WS was the worst rated WS in the
>past 20 yrs (or something along those lines). Sports in larger
>markets (Boston, NEw York, LA) will ALWAYS stand out more than
>those in smaller ones (Kansas City, Texas, Florida, etc) for
>two simple reasons: Media do fans. The media is smaller and
>the fans from the bigger markets are spread out throughout the
>country, spreading their excitement for their original
>hometown teams and thus creating a much larger market for them
>both media-wise and marketability-wise. For every fan that is
>sick and tired of hearing about a big market team, there's 3
>that aren't.

According to his profile, he's from Texas and is a Yankees fan.

Given the nastiness spewed in the response, does that surprise you?

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Message #3274 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: What Did You Say You'd Give For A Red Sox World Series Win?
Date:  4/28/06, 11:04am
Way to be people. This has been the most interesting stuff yet. Way to do your HW there Sox chic. I am not from Texas though I do live here now and love it. The Yankees used to be my team as a kid before they became this evil monster of an organization, so I just put something to fill the spot and get a rise out of people. I do continue to cheer for A Rod even though he is in pinstripes. He's just ungodly as a ball player. Jeter is clutch and everyone loves a guy who steps up when it counts. Is he still dating Mariah Carey? Anyways, maybe more people with money care about those big market teams. I bought the baseball package to see other teams because all ESPN(in CT right?) gives a dmn about is media markets of LA and the East Coast. I think people care about players more than teams now anyways. Maybe not the old school fans, but it is getting that way in this ESPN era. Still hate the Sox until A-Rod or Beltran suit up in devil red.

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Message #3276 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad
Subject:  Re: What Did You Say You'd Give For A Red Sox World Series Win?
Date:  4/28/06, 11:40am
>Way to be people.

Fair's fair. I don't like to be mistaken for a Royals fan, I'd guess Yankees fans are that way too.

because all ESPN(in CT right?) gives a dmn about is media
>markets of LA and the East Coast.>

I too love my MLB extra innings (thank you Comcast) even though I live in (near) Boston. It's how I get my National League fix without having to watch just the Braves. Plus, it's always fun to check in on the Yankees when they're losing.

players more than teams now anyways.>
In Boston it seems the majority of the fans still root for the laundry. Myself included. Every so often a player (or team, as in the 2004 team) comes along and you can't help but wish those guys well, regardless of whether or not they're still on the team.

Except Johnny Damon. Up his.

I will never get that. Not the Sox hate, that's fine, I concur in regard to the Yanks, but I could never NOT hate the Yanks just because I like a player on their team.

I mean, damn, they're the Yankees for cryin' out loud.

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Message #3277 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: What Did You Say You'd Give For A Red Sox World Series Win?
Date:  4/28/06, 11:42am
Well my above message got totally messed up.

Ah well...I guess the point is clear. :-/

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