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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "L.A. sportscaster Vic 'The Brick' Jacobs (AM-570) does a hilarious singing act at the Chabad Telethon 2006, brought to you courtesy of " Thread

Message #4122 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  L.A. sportscaster Vic 'The Brick' Jacobs (AM-570) does a hilarious singing act at the Chabad Telethon 2006, brought to you courtesy of
Date:  9/18/06, 8:18pm
Any Southern Californian who's a sports enthusiast will tell you what a funny guy Vic "The Brick" is. He has some of the most hilarious one-liners you'll ever hear. I had the honor of meeting Vic--and taking a picture with him, along with the Reedster-- at Dodger Stadium's Camera Day in 2000.
At the telethon, Jacobs does his thing once again with this song. His funniest lines in it are "I'm gonna wait til the Mitzvah hour, when there's no one else around. I'm gonna take that Matzo and hold you." "I see the Mitzvah's in your eyes." " Feel my Hebrew flow in the Mitzvah hour."

GIVE IT UP FOR THE AZUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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