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Message #4169 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Joe Torre is expected to be fired as the Yankee skipper and replaced by Lou Piniella
Date:  10/08/06, 08:01am (Last Edited: 10/8/06, 11:59am)
Torre has been a great manager, but somebody has to take the fall for the Yankees underachievement during the playoffs in recent years. People tend to forget how the Mets were the toast of the town during the '80's and the Yanks were struggling to get noticed. Joe Torre actually returned the glory back to the team. I'm actually shocked that Steinbrenner went with one manager for ten years in a row.

As for Lou Piniella, I would expect a very tumultuous time for him as a Yankee manager. Like Billy Martin, he has an explosive personality and his relations with Steinbrenner will probably be similar. So, expect Piniella to be hired and fired at least 5-6 times by Georgie.

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Message #4175 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Re: Joe Torre is expected to be fired as the Yankee skipper and replaced by Lou Piniella
Date:  10/10/06, 10:31pm
This one turns out to be a "false rumor". Joe Torre will indeed return as the Yanks skipper in '07, as Torre himself said in today's press conference after Steinbrenner gave him the thumbs up on the phone. Whoever leaked this story to the N.Y. Daily News will most likely be the one-- other than A-Rod--who will get the boot from Georgie. But, still, I'm shocked to see Steinbrenner go with the same manager for over a decade, especially one who hasn't brought him a ring for half of it.

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