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Message #4608 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Fifty years ago today, baseball voted to move the Dodgers and Giants to California, establishing franchises west of the Mississippi for the first time
Date:  5/28/07, 2:48pm
I may be a little biased here, but I think we Angelenos scored the better franchise. I couldn't imagine going to Chavez Ravine to salute a team in Halloween costumes. But, even today, there's still some old-timer Brooklynites who are steamed at Walter O'Malley for taking away 'dem Bums. It's not O'Malley's fault that Robert Moses wouldn't allow him to build a new ballpark. It was a brilliant on O'Malley's part to move the team to L.A., the country's third largest city at the time.
Speaking of the Giants, I never hear about Manhattanites being disgruntled at Horace Stoneham for moving them to S.F. For the most part, they're die-hard Yankee fans today.

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Message #4610 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Re: Fifty years ago today, baseball voted to move the Dodgers and Giants to California, establishing franchises west of the Mississippi for the first time
Date:  5/28/07, 3:20pm (Last Edited: 5/28/07, 3:23pm)
Here's an interesting piece of info from the article...
• The sport's insiders recalled an attempt by the St. Louis Browns (later the Baltimore Orioles) to move to Los Angeles 16 years earlier, after the 1941 season. A league vote on that proposed relocation was scheduled for Dec. 8, 1941 -- the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was canceled, and never revisited.

Wow, I never knew this.. O'Malley would've probably still moved the Dodgers out west if the Browns were in L.A. The Browns were an A.L. team, so the Dodgers could've fit in, but I doubt that O'Malley would've ever moved them out here because the Browns franchise would have likely been playing in Chavez Ravine, which was the only place where O'Malley wanted to build his ballpark. If the vote occured on 12/8/41, then there would likely be a team today called the San Francisco Dodgers. It looks like something good came out of that "day of infamy" after all.

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