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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "Bonds receives FBI protection at games as he nears 755.. Also, vendors can't walk through the stands when Ba-Bo is at bat " Thread

Message #4774 of 6634  *NEW*
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Subject:  Bonds receives FBI protection at games as he nears 755.. Also, vendors can't walk through the stands when Ba-Bo is at bat
Date:  7/08/07, 6:51pm
I suspect that Bonds has indeed received a few death threats simply because of the color of his skin. Unfortunately, there's still some fascist rednecks left in various parts of the country. But, I submit that the vast majority of the unpopularity surrounding Ba-Bo has nothing to do with his race. When you take away steroids and BALCO, there's still a whole lot of ways to not like Bonds, judging by his antics on and off the field. Hank Aaron's declaration of never showing up when Bonds hits numbers 755 and 756 may seem selfish in a way, but I understand why he refuses to attend those games. Hank did it with class when there were millions of more people out there who despised him only because of his race, compared to what Bonds faces now.

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