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Message #4798 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  What if The Astros Drafted Derek Jeter in 1992 as Hal Newhouser Insisted??
Date:  7/18/07, 3:39pm
I heard the story that Newhouser insisted that the Astros draft Jeter, whom he discovered, in 1992. When they passed, he was so incensed he quit. So what would and could have happened?? We take a look at some possibilities.

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Message #4800 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  vegasman2000
Subject:  Re: What if The Astros Drafted Derek Jeter in 1992 as Hal Newhouser Insisted??
Date:  7/18/07, 4:53pm
I enjoyed this piece. I had not heard about Newhouser quitting over Jeter, but if he did this right after they passed on him, that's tremendous. How cool is it to be that right about something and basically tell your boss to shove it before it even comes to pass?

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