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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "Miguel Tejada promised a kid with muscular dystrophy that he would hit a home run for him in the next game and delivered for young Jacob Scott last night " Thread

Message #5148 of 6634  *NEW*
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Subject:  Miguel Tejada promised a kid with muscular dystrophy that he would hit a home run for him in the next game and delivered for young Jacob Scott last night
Date:  5/03/08, 11:20am
This is kind of reminicent of what Babe Ruth did many times. A cool move to make by Tejada, especially since he delivered on his promise.

Tejada is obviously trying to everything he can to get the steroid talk and other controversies away from him. But, one question still remains with me: Why would he give himself a younger age when other Dominican players normally make themselves older so they can be drafted earlier? What Tejada did here is pretty much what you'd expect from older actresses, but this is the first time I can recall a major leaguer doing this. Sure, Little Leaguers who make the W.S. in Williamsport do this all the time (can you say Danny Almonte?), but the reasons are obvious.

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Message #5150 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Miguel Tejada promised a kid with muscular dystrophy that he would hit a home run for him in the next game and delivered for young Jacob Scott last night
Date:  5/3/08, 2:12pm
Very cool of Tejada.

As for the age thing, I don't think it matters all that much. He stays in shape and has been a rock throughout his career, with the exception of last year's DL stint, he has never had a strained muscle etc.

As for the steroids, don't get me started down this path. I'm sure the flame war would, well, very warm....

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