
Clemens looking at Astros, Red Sox, Yankees

If Roger Clemens decides to pitch in 2007, he won't announce his decision before May.

Roger Clemens Clemens

In an exclusive interview with MLB.com, Clemens also said that if he does pitch, it will only be for the Astros, Yankees or Red Sox.

"From what I understand, all three teams want to see where they are as far as their rotation ... and how their pitching lines up," Clemens told the Web site. "Not a one of them wanted an April or May [deal] anyways. All three teams look good as far as their pitching staffs go. My agents will let me know if and when they call."

Clemens also clarified his past contracts with the Astros as he thought his situation was being misconstrued in the media.

"The thing that's been misconstrued quite a bit is that I have a deal in Houston where I pitch and then don't show up," Clemens told the Web site. "I'm working more than I'm pitching down there. It's not like I'm pitching and then going home and sitting around."

However, the Astros might not be a lock to re-sign Clemens this time if he decides to come back. He admitted that he would have signed with the Yankees if Pettitte had never left -- and Pettitte is back in pinstripes for this season.

"I would have signed a similar deal with the Yankees had Andy stayed in New York," Clemens told MLB.com. "I thought he was a lifer there. I know when we were in the playoffs in 2003 and Andy's contract was coming up, he wasn't sure about what he was going to do because he knew I was retiring. He was like, 'I don't know what I want to do and if I want to stay here.' And I told him I'd come visit a couple times a month, play some golf and possibly work for some TV people."