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Message #100 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Yankee-Angel-White Sox Deal In the Mix
Date:  1/31/04, 1:43am
Chicago Tribune is reporting that the Yankees and Angels are on the verge of the following deal:The rumored deal would have Jose Valentin and Paul Konerko going to the Angels, Troy Glaus going to the Yankees and Jarrod Washburn and Darin Erstad going to the White Sox.

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Message #101 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Yankee-Angel-White Sox Deal In the Mi
Date:  1/31/04, 1:45am
This seems like overkill on the Angel's part. I'd like to hear DodgerRefugee's take on this one.I don't think that Valentin and Konerko are going to make the Angel team better when you take away Glaus and Washburn.What are the Angels thinking?I'd say that this rumor is just a Chicago sportswriter's wishful thinking.

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Message #102 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Yankee-Angel-White Sox Deal In the Mi
Date:  2/3/04, 10:00am
Angels GM Bill Stoneman says it is just that, wishful thinking..Only Dan Evans would consider a trade involving Konerko.

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Message #103 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Yankee-Angel-White Sox Deal In the Mi
Date:  2/3/04, 11:55pm
Only Dan Evans would consider a trade involving KonerkoYou ain't kidding... Konerko looked awful last season...
I bet Dan Evans is on the horn right now...

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Message #104 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Mr. Baseball  
Subject:  Re: Yankee-Angel-White Sox Deal In the Mi
Date:  2/5/04, 9:32pm
The Angel's need a legitimate first baseman. Konerko is better than Erstad and is two years younger. They would like to dump Erstad's salary. Glaus is coming off rotator cuff problems and lasik eye surgery. There's no guarantee that he will return to form.Valentin will be insurance at third base in case Glaus bombs. With The big name pitching free agents the Angel's picked up over the winter, Washburn is expendable(though I hate to see him go).

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Message #105 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Yankee-Angel-White Sox Deal In the Mi
Date:  2/11/04, 11:25am
I think that pitching is the name of the game in the American League... giving up Washburn for Konerko (based on last year's stats) is too much of a gamble.The Angels - barring injuries - are playoff bound this year... just might be ready for another championship (as much as it pains me to say).

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