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Message #154 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Baseball needs to regain balance
Date:  2/17/04, 1:13pm
Another news source describes the extent of the inequities and competetive inbalance that plagues major league baseball.

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Message #155 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Boogaman
Subject:  Re: Baseball needs to regain balanc
Date:  2/17/04, 1:34pm
Key points from the article are at the end...The alternatives are to keep watching the Yankees control the game's agenda, or to watch Red Sox-style prices spread throughout the game as other owners try to keep up. (For those who are unaware, the average cost of a Red Sox ticket last year was $42.34. The next highest team was The Evil Empire itself at $24.86; the major-league average was $18.69.) To put it another way, the Alex Rodriguez deal makes it clear: baseball has two choices, a structure where there's the Yankees and everyone else, or one where the Yankees are in with everyone else. For the long-term health of the game, it should be obvious which choice is the preferable one.I think this Arod deal will be the beginning of the salary cap in baseball...

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Message #156 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Boogaman
Subject:  Re: Baseball needs to regain balanc
Date:  2/19/04, 7:02pm
Testing to see if this even works

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