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Message #1931 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Johnny Damon makes pitch for Manny Ramirez to join the Yankees
Date:  2/01/06, 6:45pm
Don't be surprised if George Steinbrenner grants Damon's wish. If nothing else, the Yankees have been the best team money can buy under 'ol Georgie. The addition of Manny would be a big asset to an already explosive ballclub. Still, that doesn't guarantee the Bronx Bombers another title. Judging by the last five years, the Yankees are living proof that the best team on paper doesn't necessarily bring you a World Series ring or even a division title.

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Message #1934 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Johnny Damon makes pitch for Manny Ramirez to join the Yankees
Date:  2/1/06, 11:23pm
This would be just a sheer abuse of power & an absolute tradgedy for baseball. When is this going to stop? Is there anyone out there who can end this complete & total abuse of power by Steinbrenner & the Yankees? The game of baseball is just becoming more & more corrupt. I wish Steinbrenner & the Yankees would just roll over & die.

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