BaseballGeeks Blogs >> drrubb

  May 28, 2007

(By: drrubb)

I LOVE IT! You know what this sound is: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is the main stream media whining & crying, bitching & moaning about the Yankees. Let me call them a Wambulance! I love it! The media is so much in love & in bed with the Yankees that they are crying because the Yankees have sucked so damn bad this season(atleast by Yankee standards). ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! I don't give a damn! I think it's the most beautiful thing in the world, especially the world of baseball. I want the Yankees lose forever! I could care less if they won another game. Baseball in general, & partularly the the butt humping main stream media generally says that it is best for baseball if...


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  August 2, 2006

Starting to believe that John Schuerholz is a racist.
(By: drrubb)

I know this is a crazy, shooting from the hip accusation, but John Schuerholz just recently traded Wilsom Betemit. In my opinion, he was the best young hitting talent they had in their organization. He should have been set to take over for Chipper Jones. Schuerholz has also shopped around Andruw Jones. I know he is set to make a bunch of money next season, but Andruw is worth it & he is like having a damn good relief pitcher because he'll save you a run a game just by his defense. We all know his bat is pretty good to. Schuerholz also just traded Jorge Sosa, the only black pitcher they had. In the past Schuerholz has traded guys like...


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Last comment by: Newey @ 2/24/07, 4:06pm

  July 7, 2006

Re: Did I mention how much I hate the Yankees?
(By: drrubb)

No one can argue the Yankees' history. They are clearly the most dominant baseball franchise ever. But what pisses me off is that MLB will never allow the Yankees to be bad or stay down. The media loves the Yankees. They got their nose so far up the Yankees butt! A lot of the media types are Yankee homers as well. The way baseball is set up with the media, & the salary structure, & exposure, the Yankees will always dominate.

ESPN & FOX always have the Yankees on in primetime or their premier spots. I'm tired of it quiet honestly. That's all we ever see or hear about. Yankees, Yankees, Yankees! Yankees this! Yankees that! Jeter this! Jeter that! ARod...


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Last comment by: drrubb @ 7/7/06, 6:15am

  July 2, 2006

Am I the only person in America cheering for a Mets - Yankees Sunday night rain out?
(By: drrubb)

This would be great! Poor ESPN. All the ESPN executives & employees had there KY jelly ready to go for the "Subway Series" on Sunday Night Baseball. Serves ESPN right for constantly having their noses up New York's ass! I really hope they are rained out & ESPN Sunday night's rating goes down the tubes.

It makes me sick! Everytime the Yankees are playing the Red Sox or Mets, it takes presidence over everything else in baseball. It really disgusts me! FOX & ESPN are just New York ass kiss networks.

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Last comment by: drrubb @ 7/2/06, 5:50pm

  July 2, 2006

The all star game final rosters
(By: drrubb)

I know I'm beating a dead horse.

Anyway, here are the AL & NL starters, reserves, & pitchers.

AL starters:

C - Ivan Rodriguez (glad it wasn't Varitek or Posada) Should have been Joe Mauer

1B - David Ortiz (can't really argue with that)
2B - Mark Loretta (I guess this is okay.)
SS - Derek Jeter (sorry Yankee fans, should have been Miguel Tejada or Micheal Young). Jeter is the 3rd best SS in AL.

3B - Alex Rodriguez (Glaus has better numbers. Even Melvin Mora can stack numbers with ARod, atleast this season)

OF - Ichiro Suzuki (not much you can argue here. He is one of the top 5 or 6 AL outfielders.)

OF - Manny Ramirez (very solid numbers)
OF - Vlad Guerrero (Vernon Wells has better...


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  July 2, 2006

Players who got SCREWED! The all star snubs!
(By: drrubb)

AL :

Carl Crawford (can do it all! He can hit for power, average. He has great speed! He is an awesome outfielder! He is the best outfielder in baseball who didn't make the all star game! PERIOD!

Ramon Hernandez (having a solid year! In my opinion, he is atleast the second or third best catcher in the AL, atleast this season)

Travis Hafner (how did this guy not make the all star team?)

AJ Pierzynski (having another solid season so far)

Magglio Ordonez (he has all star caliber numbers)

Curtis Granderson (he will be around for a long time)

Nick Swisher (another great underated player!)

Francisco Liriano (maybe better than Johan Santana!)

Justin Verlander (will be a very good pitcher for a long time)


Brandon Phillips (why not? the numbers...


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Last comment by: drrubb @ 7/9/06, 5:22am

  June 26, 2006

Re: The Yankees may be on the verge of acquiring Carlos Lee from the Brewers
(By: drrubb)

This just totally infuriates me. I'm so freaking annoyed & pissed at the prospect of this. I just wish Steinbrenner & the Yankees would go to hell! I seriously mean that. It's always Yankees Yankees Yankees! UUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Yankees would not be the Yankees without all their insane money. I wish they could swap payrolls with the Marlins or Royals or Devil Rays, then let's see just how big & bad they are. The Yankees are really the only team in baseball that can get themselves into a mess & buy themselves out of it. I'm so sick & f#@k!%g tired of it! The Yankees are BAD for baseball! PERIOD!

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Last comment by: Guest17683 (IP: @ 6/27/06, 7:18am

  June 6, 2006

Re: The all star game is looking more like a popularity contest rather than a all star game!
(By: drrubb)

Well, unfortunately, the voting is final. In my opinion, this is really a joke of an all star game. There are 4 Yankees & 3 Red Sox players in the AL starting line up. You can blame much of this on the media & just the fact that New York & Boston are gigantic big markets. All we ever hear about are these 2 teams by the media, so the casual baseball fan or bandwagon fan who doesn't know any better vote for the Yankee & Red Sox players because that is all they ever hear about from the media & on Sportscenter. I bet you the casual fan, who aren't really die hard baseball fans don't know who Alex Rios,...


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Last comment by: drrubb @ 6/22/06, 4:05am

  June 3, 2006

The all star game is looking more like a popularity contest rather than a all star game!
(By: drrubb)

Forgive me for being so cynical & even a bit anal, but the all star game is losing it's luster in my opinion. I'm starting to believe that the voting should be taken away from the fans. I know that is probably not the politically correct angle on this issue but some of the players starting in the all star game based off fan voting is downright rediculous in my humble opinion.

Here are the guys that are starting based off fan voting so far.

AL - Jason Varitek, David Ortiz, Robinson Cano, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Manny Ramirez, Vlad Guerrero, Johnny Damon.

Jason Varitek, as of June 3rd, is batting .233 with only 5 HRs. This is your starting AL catcher for the...


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Last comment by: drrubb @ 6/22/06, 4:05am

  June 3, 2006

The all star game is looking more like a popularity contest rather than a all star game!
(By: drrubb)

Forgive me for being so cynical & even a bit anal, but the all star game is losing it's luster in my opinion. I'm starting to believe that the voting should be taken away from the fans. I know that is probably not the politically correct angle on this issue but some of the players starting in the all star game based off fan voting is downright rediculous in my humble opinion.

Here are the guys that are starting based off fan voting so far.

AL - Jason Varitek, David Ortiz, Robinson Cano, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Manny Ramirez, Vlad Guerrero, Johnny Damon.

Jason Varitek, as of June 3rd, is batting .233 with only 5 HRs. This is your starting AL catcher for the...


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Last comment by: drrubb @ 6/22/06, 4:05am



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