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Message #2146 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Boston owner John Henry doesn't like revenue-sharing. Then, we don't like his horse-named ass, either!
Date:  2/18/06, 07:47am
Team ownership must bring in roughly $2 on every $1 invested in order to break even, Henry was quoted as saying in Thursday's editions of the Boston Herald. The Herald said his comments came in an exchange of e-mails with the newspaper over the past week.

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Message #2154 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Anonymous
Guest6928 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Boston owner John Henry doesn't like revenue-sharing. Then, we don't like his horse-named ass, either!
Date:  2/18/06, 10:09am
Bill James has suggested this in the past. Teams need to split their TV revenue, just like they do with gate revenue. When a team goes into Fenway or Yankee Stadium, the Red Sox or the Yankees split the attendance revenue with whoever they're playing that day. They should also split their TV revenue in the same way. They can calculate out the ratings for any particle game or series, and then split the TV revenue accordingly. Then you don't need a revenue tax or whatever.

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