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Message #247 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Mets Fan Auctions Roger Cedeno on Ebay
Date:  3/24/04, 6:42pm
You can't blame him... If Ebay was en vogue during Roger the "Dodger"'s days, I would've done the same thing.As the ebay listing is liable to go down any minute now (as a joke listing), here's the text for your enjoyment.This is an auction for Mets outfielder Roger Cedeņo. He's played left, center and right fields, and all of them equally horrendously. He never gets a good jump on a ball, and on the rare occassion that he does end up in the general vicinity of one, he'll probably drop it. He used to be quite fast, but as he's gotten older and somewhat fatter on his contract, even that last vestige of value has left him. He cannot run the bases, he cannot play defense, he cannot hit for average or power and he couldn't get a bunt down to save his life. He does, however, still have a decent arm - but odds are he'll either miss the cutoff man or throw to the wrong base entirely, so it's a non-factor. When it comes to the oft-spoken "intangibles" of a professional athlete, this is where Cedeņo really excels. Despite his woeful play, Roger somehow manages to smile and laugh and carry on like he's just hit a grand slam to win Game 7. This is where I believe his value truly kicks in, because that's just the type of person you want serving your organization from a customer support position. Cedeņo would undoubtedly adapt to a concessionaire position with grace and aplomb. Also, imagine the excitement your fans would experience when they realize who just tossed them that hot dog or sold them that lemonade! Roger Cedeņo's contract is valued at $10,000,000 and terminates after the 2005 season. Thus, bidding starts at a reasonable $5,000,000 with the New York Mets Baseball Club hopefully picking up any difference incurred by this auction. Seller hereby gives his word as his bond that should the final auction price exceed the aforementioned value of Roger Cedeņo's contract, $10,000,000 will be forwarded with haste to The New York Mets Baseball Club in order to expedite Roger Cedeņo's unconditional release, with the difference being donated in it's entirety to the Lymphoma Research Foundation at Seller is in no way affiliated with Major League Baseball, The New York Mets Baseball Club or Sterling Equities, Ltd. Good luck and happy bidding!!

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Message #248 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Mets Fan Auctions Roger Cedeno on Eba
Date:  3/24/04, 6:43pm
Surprisingly, the bidding has topped 7 million.

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