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Message #2494 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  San Antonio's Bexar County offers two-thirds of the price to build new stadium, contingent on voter approval
Date:  3/09/06, 7:18pm
It looks like San Antonio is the most serious out of all the teams trying to entice the Marlins out of South Florida. Baseball would definitely do well in the S.A.-Austin metropolitan area, as they support the NBA Spurs in good times and bad. Also, it happens to be in my favorite part of Texas---- a "blue" dot in a big "red" sea, as Molly Ivins calls it.

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Message #2500 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: San Antonio's Bexar County offers two-thirds of the price to build new stadium, contingent on voter approval
Date:  3/9/06, 10:26pm
San Antonio would be great. There is already a Dodger's minor league afiliate there though, the Missions. What would become of them I wonder? Plus, this would save me a trip to Houston or Dallas to see a game. I am all for them. San Antonio has real fans unlike those bandwagon, wannabe trendy South Beach-Florida fans. Half of Florida, if not more, are not even native Floridians. Here in Texas, we support our teams, small market or big market. Even during the bad times, we show up to complain if nothing else. And for the beer of course. Bring on the Marlins I say!!!All aboard the D Train to SA-Town baby!!!

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Message #2502 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Guest8285 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: San Antonio's Bexar County offers two-thirds of the price to build new stadium, contingent on voter approval
Date:  3/9/06, 10:24pm
San Antonio would be great. There is already a Dodger's minor league afiliate there though, the Missions. What would become of them I wonder? Plus, this would save me a trip to Houston or Dallas to see a game. I am all for them. San Antonio has real fans unlike those bandwagon, wannabe trendy South Beach-Florida fans. Half of Florida, if not more, are not even native Floridians. Here in Texas, we support our teams, small market or big market. Even during the bad times, we show up to complain if nothing else. And for the beer of course. Bring on the Marlins I say!!!

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Message #2503 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad
Guest8325 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: San Antonio's Bexar County offers two-thirds of the price to build new stadium, contingent on voter approval
Date:  3/10/06, 7:56am
Hey Attacksquad, if you're from the San Antonio area, would you want a retractable roof on the new stadium? How bad is the heat in the summer, and how much rain?

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Message #2612 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad's Blog Thread
Subject:  Re: San Antonio's Bexar County offers two-thirds of the price to build new stadium, contingent on voter approval
Date:  3/16/06, 9:51pm
It doesn't rain too much there is San Antone'. It is humid as hell. I just hope they use real grass. It makes no difference to me about the retractable roof.

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