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Message #2613 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Clemens 'thankful' for Classic chance
Date:  3/17/06, 07:52am
Roger Clemens said in a brief statement after Team USA's WBC ouster that he was thankful for being included on the team, and going home to his family. And he seemed to be leaning toward reitrement.

In the furore surrounding Barry Bonds -- whether he used steroids or not; what to do if he keeps moving up the all-time HR list -- we have lost sight of the fact that Roger Clemens is 22 wins, or 2 average Kerry Wood seasons, away from passing Warren Spahn to become the winningest modern pitcher. But he seems to be leaning toward retirement. Has nobody noticed? Does nobody believe him? Do we not care?

Here's one vote for the Rocket coming back into the Astros fold in May (Roger, please don't go back to the Yankees), and continuing to demonstrate that 40 something isn't that old.

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Message #2614 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  streeter88
Subject:  Re: Clemens 'thankful' for Classic chance
Date:  3/17/06, 8:20am
Roger had his chance to help team USA last night and he (along with the rest of the team) blew it.

Pretty much his MO in almost every BIG game he's pitched in.

He lied to Boston fans ("I want to play for a team closer to home"), lied to Yankees fans ("I'm retiring") and continues to 'tease' true baseball fans with his "I'm retiring again, no I'm not" act. Either do it or don't, but stop acting like the baseball world revolves around you Roger, because it doesn't.

He's an amazing pitcher...but I honestly couldn't care less whether or not he comes back to long as he doesn't come back to Boston.

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