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Message #2606 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Team U.S.A. Is Eliminated By Mexico, 2-1
Date:  3/16/06, 7:56pm
Ay Caramba!!!!! It looks like the Americans don't produce the greatest baseball players anymore. I know that some top-notch players backed out of the tournament, but that's still no excuse. Overall, the U.S. had the best team on paper and should've made it to the finals. I thought for sure that they would be playing against the Dominicans in the finals. But, on the bright side, I like how the WBC is getting the sport worldwide attention. Literally, the WBC is the REAL World Series.

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Message #2607 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Team U.S.A. Is Eliminated By Mexico, 2-1
Date:  3/16/06, 8:24pm
Arod & Jeter combined 0-6 today. I love it!

Forgive me if that sounds "Unamerican". I just love it when the Yankees SUCK IT UP, no matter what the situation.

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Message #2609 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Team U.S.A. Is Eliminated By Mexico, 2-1
Date:  3/16/06, 9:05pm
how does Mark Teixeira go 0-15 in the WBC?

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Message #2610 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Team U.S.A. Is Eliminated By Mexico, 2-1
Date:  3/16/06, 9:29pm
How many days did this team use to prepare? If we want to take this seriously, we have to train as a team, weeks before the series starts. As with Olympic basketball, superstars don't often mesh and don't always feel the pull to win. I wonder how a team of Double and Triple A players would do in such a tournament.

But I'm really not disheartened. There has been some fantastic baseball in the WBC. It's baseball that doesn't rely on the HR and leans heavily on pitching, defense, and moving the runners over. I'll keep watching.

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Message #2611 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Team U.S.A. Is Eliminated By Mexico, 2-1
Date:  3/16/06, 9:46pm
I hate to see the U.S. out of it as much as the rest of us, but give Mexico credit here. Mexico won the Carribean World series last year beating the Domincans, Puerto Ricans and even Venenzuela. So, they have a squad, maybe not the sexiest names though. Cantu is bad ass though huh? Tampa Bay ought to be excited with that guy. Draft him if he becomes available in your leagues folks. Maybe this loss will prompt the U.S. and MLB to take this more seriously, as in World Series serious. Cuba is in the middle of their regular season, the Domicans have a heavy all star line up, and the U.S. stars were cold at the plate. Lee and Damon were out with houlder problems. I expected this at some point once I started watching how good the other teams were. Plus did anyone else get the feeling the international teams wanted this more?

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Message #2615 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad
Subject:  Re: Team U.S.A. Is Eliminated By Mexico, 2-1
Date:  3/17/06, 8:23am
The WBC reaffirmed for me what I already knew: I love baseball, regardless of who is playing. While I'm bummed the USA lost, after that blown homerun call there was a small part of me rooting for Mexico. Jorge Cantu played a great game - when else is he going to be able to be such a hero? I really have enjoyed the few games I've been awake to watch.

Looking forward to this weekend!

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