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Message #2557 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Bonds homers in fourth at bat
Date:  3/13/06, 08:18am
Well, nobody can say (yet!) that the recent news is affecting his stroke.

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Message #2558 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Anonymous
Subject:  Re: Bonds homers in fourth at bat
Date:  3/13/06, 8:54am
>Well, nobody can say (yet!) that the recent news is affecting
>his stroke.

The man has an ego the size of California. It's no wonder this isn't affecting his stroke...all he cares about is himself.

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Message #2584 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: Bonds homers in fourth at bat
Date:  3/14/06, 1:49pm

Go Giants!

(probably the biggest Giants fan on this website!)

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