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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "Boston Manager Terry Francona won a $100 bet from Adam Stern after he suggested that Stern and Canada wouldn't make it to the second round of the WBC " Thread

Message #2586 of 6634  *NEW*
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Subject:  Boston Manager Terry Francona won a $100 bet from Adam Stern after he suggested that Stern and Canada wouldn't make it to the second round of the WBC
Date:  3/14/06, 7:35pm
Francona must have had quite a scare when Canada beat the U.S. But, considering how talented most of the other teams are by comparison, it was a safe bet before the WBC started. I wonder if Dodger Manager Grady Little made a similar wager with Hee Seop Choi...

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