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Message #2560 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  News alert: if RedSoxChick hears one more complaint about the umpire call in the US-Japan game, she is gonna vomit!
Date:  3/13/06, 09:00am
My comment on her blog:

Basically, RSC, if this game was played in Japan, and the game went against the U.S., I think we would all be screaming bloody murder.

This is one of the things that makes baseball great... there are few greater joys in life than shouting: "Kill the f***ing ump!"

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Message #2562 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: News alert: if RedSoxChick hears one more complaint about the umpire call in the US-Japan game, she is gonna vomit!
Date:  3/13/06, 9:32am
You made me laugh out loud!

But, to comment, you're right. I totally understand that the call stunk and the umpire should be called to task for it. I do..and trust me, I am no friend of the umpire, especially not the MLB ones (although, I'm pretty sure no MLB umpires are in the WBC). My problem isn't really with people saying "oh it was a terrible call" was. And Buck Martinez's defense of it is just pathetic (here's hoping he said all that before he saw a replay)...but I'm reading on many message boards from last night and this morning that this is a "black mark" on the USA and the WBC when, to me, all it really represents is more proof that 1) umpires are human and 2) umpires aren't always very good at their jobs.

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Message #2566 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: News alert: if RedSoxChick hears one more complaint about the umpire call in the US-Japan game, she is gonna vomit!
Date:  3/13/06, 2:38pm
it wasnt so much a "black mark"...but it doesnt help the tourny. The problem is that anything bad that happens in the tourny is gunna count against 3 or 4 great things that come out of it, just because so many people were at least semi-against it to begin with...which is a shame cuz its a great thing the WBC.

Davidson is a MLB ump and he was the home plate ump of that game who blew the call.

I went on more of a rant in my blog

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Message #2567 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Conor
Subject:  Re: News alert: if RedSoxChick hears one more complaint about the umpire call in the US-Japan game, she is gonna vomit!
Date:  3/13/06, 2:55pm
>it wasnt so much a "black mark"...but it doesnt help the
>tourny. The problem is that anything bad that happens in the
>tourny is gunna count against 3 or 4 great things that come
>out of it, just because so many people were at least
>semi-against it to begin with...which is a shame cuz its a
>great thing the WBC.
>Davidson is a MLB ump and he was the home plate ump of that
>game who blew the call.
>I went on more of a rant in my blog

According to, Davidson wasn't on the 'roster' of umpires in 2005. So techinically, he WAS an MLB umpire, but isn't anymore.

Not that it means anything. He IS American and that is what people are using as the issue.

I'm sorry. The guy made a crap call...doesn't mean he did it on purpose.

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Message #2569 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: News alert: if RedSoxChick hears one more complaint about the umpire call in the US-Japan game, she is gonna vomit!
Date:  3/13/06, 3:38pm
Davidson was fired in 1999...or least he lost his job in the labor disputes...he;s been a minor league ump since and fills in for MLB umps when needed....MLB has agreed to give him his job back when the next opening shows up

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Message #2570 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: News alert: if RedSoxChick hears one more complaint about the umpire call in the US-Japan game, she is gonna vomit!
Date:  3/13/06, 3:48pm
The funny thing is when an Umpire blows a call its part of the game, there's nothing we can do about it..sometime we love it , sometimes we hate it. Umps make bad calls all the time, That's what's so beautiful about the game. Its not a game determined or slowed down by instant replay.
Umpires are human and so is the game.

"If youre not cheating youre not trying"

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Message #2576 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Guest8645 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: News alert: if RedSoxChick hears one more complaint about the umpire call in the US-Japan game, she is gonna vomit!
Date:  3/13/06, 2:36pm
It's not a black mark, but at the same time the WBC doesnt need ANY bad's doing great thus far but the problem is that anything bad will count against 4 good things at this point, because there were just so many people from the start that were at least semi-against the tourny, which is a shame cuz it's great.

Davidson is a MLB ump, he was the home plate ump of that game

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