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Message #2883 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Gametalk the first game of the season: Indians at the White Sox
Date:  4/02/06, 4:47pm
New feature here at BGeeks. I probably will design a backdoor "subscriber" section where all games will be available for discussion.

For now, I'll just feature a game or two every now and then (feel free to submit your own GameTalk feature games for consideration on the main page).

As for this game, I am just excited to see games start. I have C.C. Sabathia going for me tonight. Great strikeout rate in the preseason, but his ERA was scary.

I know he is a second half pitcher, but how many of us will forego getting to watch one of our pitchers pitch in the first game of the season (who isn't pitching in Coors Field)? Go C.C.!

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