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Message #2944 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Welcome to the National League, Mr. Arroyo! Bronson smacks a HR in his first game as a Red
Date:  4/05/06, 10:26am
The reality is that I am only posting this here in hopes that I can get the RedSoxChick to see it for the first time. Alas, I bet she is already well aware.

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Message #2947 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Welcome to the National League, Mr. Arroyo! Bronson smacks a HR in his first game as a Red
Date:  4/5/06, 12:28pm

Not only was I 'watching' the game on Gameday...but I received about four emails and another bunch of phone calls (one from all the way out in North Dakota) that all basically said the same thing:

"Bronson hit a homerun!!!!! Bet he's glad he's back in the National League!"

Wish I had seen it. I'm sure they'll be showing it here in Boston tonight!

>The reality is that I am only posting this here in hopes that
>I can get the RedSoxChick to see it for the first time. Alas,
>I bet she is already well aware.

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