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Message #3042 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Not only are the Red Sox the most expensive team in the MLB to go watch, but one parking lot near the stadium is charging $90 to park
Date:  4/12/06, 3:48pm
There are a lot of things I could buy for $90. One ticket to a ballgame, for instance.

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Message #3044 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Not only are the Red Sox the most expensive team in the MLB to go watch, but one parking lot near the stadium is charging $90 to park
Date:  4/12/06, 6:56pm
Like the article states, these are all privately owned 'lots' and in charge of their own pricing. I work a train ride away from Fenway and live a bus and a train ride away...driving never comes into play for me. If it did, I probably wouldn't go as often as I do.

I was at Fenway yesterday (didn't go to the game, ended up at GAME ON and it was awesome)...spoke with a scalper for the first time in my life and basically laughed in his face when he told me ONE standing room ticket would cost me $150.

I paid $159 for MLB Extra Innings and can watch as many games as I want in the comfort of my own home with my cheap-ass beer.

Sometimes, I hate capitalism.

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Message #3048 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Guest12527 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Not only are the Red Sox the most expensive team in the MLB to go watch, but one parking lot near the stadium is charging $90 to park
Date:  4/12/06, 5:11pm
if people are stupid enough to actual settle and park there then, well, boo hoo.

when u go to ballpark in the middle of a major metropolitan area like Boston you can't expect them to have a parking lot. all anyone needs to do is park in newton at the end of the D line and take the T into kenmore sqaure.

total cost: around $8

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Message #3050 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Guest12267 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Not only are the Red Sox the most expensive team in the MLB to go watch, but one parking lot near the stadium is charging $90 to park
Date:  4/12/06, 8:21pm
Only the rich would pay those prices for parking. Went to college in Boston at Northeastern, and we just walked to the games across the Fens. Back then the Red Sox stunk and we could get pretty good seats for $10 bucks or less. Fenway is such a great park, most seats aren't bad. Out in right field, one guy even has his own row (just one seat in the row by the foul pole), we used to sit there for an inning each every now and then, just for a goof. Anyway, Boston isn't that big a city, and anybody could just park in a cheap lot or even on the street and hop on the T (Boston's subway) for a stop or two.

The biggest problem with Fenway today is it's too small. Instead of 34,000 seats, it needs 50,000, but because it's small they can charge through the nose because of the demand. When I was there, the only time they sold out was opening day and when the Yankees were in town.

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Message #3052 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Guest12267 (IP:
Subject:  Re: Not only are the Red Sox the most expensive team in the MLB to go watch, but one parking lot near the stadium is charging $90 to park
Date:  4/13/06, 3:55am
Must have been a long time since you've been there. They've been selling out their games for a few years now.

And what that article didn't mention is those prices for parking were only for opening day (which doesn't excuse it at all).

If you get there early enough, there is parking across the street from the park on Landsdowne. But taking the T is still the best way to go.

We're lucky in Boston that we have such easy access to Fenway Park and the was not too long ago when I realized most fans don't have that luxury.

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Message #3069 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Guest12683 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Not only are the Red Sox the most expensive team in the MLB to go watch, but one parking lot near the stadium is charging $90 to park
Date:  4/13/06, 7:49am
Was there in the early to mid 80's, RedSoxChick. My sister lives in Melrose, and she does the same thing as you and most Red Sox fans, she watches on TV, and goes to a game every now and then. Because the Sox own most of the cable channel they're on, watching on TV drives their revenue up and helps them to compete against the Yankees payroll wise.

Had to go to the airport yesterday, which took me past Yankee Stadium during their game, and the contrast between Yankee Stadium and Fenway is night and day. I'm a Yankee fan and been to well over 100 games at the Stadium, and went to close to 50 games at Fenway in college, and Fenway is the much better experience. Combine that with fewer seats in Fenway then Yankee Stadium, and the Sox can charge more than the Yankees, which I think they do by a little.

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Message #3075 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Guest12683 (IP:
Subject:  Re: Not only are the Red Sox the most expensive team in the MLB to go watch, but one parking lot near the stadium is charging $90 to park
Date:  4/14/06, 5:05pm
Melrose huh? I'm in Saugus!

Actually, I'm quite lucky. Last year I got to Fenway over 20 times. The only problem being, probably half those times I was alone because I could only buy single tickets.

Tis year I'm cutting that by half (as of right now anyway).

Finally got to Yankee Stadium last year and was slightly disappointed...I expected it to be larger than life, I guess. I'd like to go back - I didn't really get the whole experience as we got there late.

I love Fenway. And I can't wait until the bandwagon fans fall off so we can get the real fans back into the park.

>Was there in the early to mid 80's, RedSoxChick. My sister
>lives in Melrose, and she does the same thing as you and most
>Red Sox fans, she watches on TV, and goes to a game every now
>and then. Because the Sox own most of the cable channel
>they're on, watching on TV drives their revenue up and helps
>them to compete against the Yankees payroll wise.
>Had to go to the airport yesterday, which took me past Yankee
>Stadium during their game, and the contrast between Yankee
>Stadium and Fenway is night and day. I'm a Yankee fan and
>been to well over 100 games at the Stadium, and went to close
>to 50 games at Fenway in college, and Fenway is the much
>better experience. Combine that with fewer seats in Fenway
>then Yankee Stadium, and the Sox can charge more than the
>Yankees, which I think they do by a little.

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