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Message #3325 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Will the Red Sox do ANYTHING to beat the Yanks? Answer: It seems so, as they reacquire Mirabelli to catch Wakefield tonight
Date:  5/01/06, 11:04am
The Red Sox traded Mirabelli to the Pads for Loretta. Now, they get him back when Wakefield pitches the first game against the Yanks.

Mirabelli was Wakefield's catcher last year...

Interesting stuff.

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Message #3327 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Will the Red Sox do ANYTHING to beat the Yanks? Answer: It seems so, as they reacquire Mirabelli to catch Wakefield tonight
Date:  5/1/06, 2:19pm
What's more interesting is the story going around that the Yankees tried to get Mirabelli, just so the Sox couldn't get him.

The Sox had a great need for a backup catcher, Theo found out the Pads were shopping was a no-brainer.

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