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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "There is recent talk about Bonds and the Giants at odds for his 2007 contract when the everyone already knows Barry is going to the AL " Thread

Message #3433 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  There is recent talk about Bonds and the Giants at odds for his 2007 contract when the everyone already knows Barry is going to the AL
Date:  5/10/06, 09:47am
Clearly, this is a lot of ado about nothing.

Bonds, as a fielder and runner, is done. He would be the first one to tell you that. He aches. He hobbles. He is destined for the American League.

On his reality show, for the first time, he was talking about how he IS thinking about 755. In past interviews, he would always say it was unreachable, etc.

Basically, what American League teams need to do is to decide how much they need to shell out to be the highest bidder.

Bonds, though, needs to do some PR. He needs to come out and say he doesn't think he could last in the field, and he needs to apologize to the fans.

Could you imagine if, next year, he doesn't do this... and he gets signed by, say, the Oakland A's? He would get his ass booed by SAN FRAN FANS! Now wouldn't THAT be weird?

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