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Message #3441 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  MLB's Fantasy Fifty
Date:  5/10/06, 9:04pm
Obviously, Pujols is doing even better than expected, considering his 18 homers hit so far. But, A-Rod has to be the biggest disappointment so far. I've never seen Rodriguez have a slow start like this before and even Steinbrenner is beginning to lose his patience with him. He's on my Yahoo fantasy team, but who cares. In a twenty team league, there's very little you can do in improving a team, so I've pretty much been robo with it for the past few weeks. On the other hand, things are much more competitive and exciting in BBM's BaseballGeeks league. Another disappointment has been Jason Bay. Pittsburgh has suffered a bit with his slow start and produced only 10 wins so far. Also, I don't understand why Jonny Gomes is ranked at #52. He's a hot young talent, who's among the leaders in the A.L. with 12 homers.

As for pitching, Curt Schilling has been the biggest surprise. I thought he was all washed up, but he's proven most of us wrong with a 4-1 start. Speaking of old-timers, Greg Maddux hasn't been too shabby either. Defending A.L. Cy Young award champ Bartolo Colon has probably been the biggest disappointment among pitchers so far, but he could make a comeback if he heals from his injury soon.

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Message #3442 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: MLB's Fantasy Fifty
Date:  5/11/06, 5:46am
Pujols is definately a beast & the real deal. To be quiet honest, I have always thought ARod was overrated & it's not because he plays on the Yankees. I sometimes think he is put on a pedistal because he is very GQ with the media. Sure, he has put up great numbers in the past, but he did it mainly in Texas. I don't believe he is worth the 4 or 5 million dollar salary he usually garnishes in the BBM. He gets a lot of pub because of his GQ, pre madonna looks & he plays for the most glamourus professional sports team in any professional sports. I'm not saying ARod isn't a solid player. I'm just saying that I believe he is way overhyped. The media wants this guy to do well because he is a glamourus player. They want to "get excited" everytime he hits a homerun. I firmly believe that a lot of ARod's past success was based off him playing in Texas, his looks, & the media's overblown hype. ARod is a good player, but he is NO Pujols.

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Message #3443 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
Subject:  Re: MLB's Fantasy Fifty
Date:  5/11/06, 5:51am
One other thing about ARod. He has never performed all that well in the post season. He always seems to choke. Maybe ARod is a curse to the Yankees because the Yankees have yet to win a World Series with him.

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Message #3447 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
RJ Warner  
Subject:  Re: MLB's Fantasy Fifty
Date:  5/12/06, 5:48am
I won't quibble with the top 50, but I sure wish I had Jonny Gomes on my team.

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