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Message #4363 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Keys to Winning at Fantasy Baseball
Date:  3/24/07, 04:49am

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Message #4365 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Anonymous
Subject:  Re: Keys to Winning at Fantasy Baseball
Date:  3/24/07, 7:38pm
This is an interesting take on fantasy baseball success, but I am a BIG believer in the draft. I believe the draft is the single most important day of the season, and good prep comes in the form of a solid understanding of ALL players.

I am relatively lazy in this regard, which is why (sorry to pimp again, but this is really my primary -- and proven successful tool) I totally rely on PlayerTrack DURING the draft to give me info on the best available player out there who had the best 5x5 season last season.

Past performance is generally a good indicator of future performance when talking about offense.

Pitching seems to be all about WHIP, K/9, and the quality of the team that the pitcher is playing for.

And, lastly, only pay attention to Spring stats for injury news. This includes following up on how players coming off an injury are doing (i.e., Derrek Lee). Other than that, IGNORE the stats.

That is my basic philosophy that I have created the last two years, and it has worked. If it works again this year, it is liable to be my "forever philosophy."

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