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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Headlines : Reading "Former Dodger clubhouse attendant & manager Dave Dickenson said he would pour a cup of beer and place it in the dugout bathroom. A star player---who remains anonymous--- would sneak there between innings for a drink, and continue drinking throughout the game. 'The guy couldn't play with a hangover, so we had to keep him going,' Dickenson said " Thread

Message #4526 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Former Dodger clubhouse attendant & manager Dave Dickenson said he would pour a cup of beer and place it in the dugout bathroom. A star player---who remains anonymous--- would sneak there between innings for a drink, and continue drinking throughout the game. 'The guy couldn't play with a hangover, so we had to keep him going,' Dickenson said
Date:  5/06/07, 10:20pm
It seems like ballclubs will look the other way on these type of things--steroids in particular-- as long as the players keep performing well on the field. If this happened on the Dodger ballclub over five years ago, then I have a pretty good idea who it is. This guy was known as quite a big drunk, but was still a fan favorite from his particular style of play. When his numbers started to go down, the Dodgers immediately let him go. His initials are R.M. But, it's probably more likely that this situation happened in the last two seasons, so it may not be the player I'm thinking of.

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