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Message #4527 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Greinke to the Bullpen à la Brett Myers?
Date:  5/09/07, 07:24am
Not the Zack "The Headcase" Greinke is even close to Brett Myers in talent, but I wonder if this is the way teams will begin to approach closers: forget about bullpens and just demote a starter?

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Message #4529 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  john.reiss
Subject:  Re: Greinke to the Bullpen à la Brett Myers?
Date:  5/9/07, 7:42am
Hi John:

I don't see it (Greike as closer)... Dotel is a week or so from returning. I think they'll take their chances with him (although I think he has only pitcher 23 or so MLB innings in the last four years) before they go with Greinke. Even then, Soria has proven himself, so there is no reason to go that route.

I'm very sad for Zack. He came back this season and was looking fantastic... I always root for guys who falter (like Josh Hamilton, Rick Ankiel, Brad Lidge, Mitch Williams). I thought this was Zack's come-back...

And, now I go on the record to say that I was wrong. Hope he can get it right.

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Message #4531 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Greinke to the Bullpen à la Brett Myers?
Date:  5/9/07, 12:35pm
Rob -
The way I see it, this is a perfect way for the Royals to trade away Dotel at the deadline. There will be a couple of teams looking for some bullpen help, namely the Yankees, Indians, and Blue Jays, and if Dotel could come back strong they could get some descent young arms (perhaps Adam Miller?).

With that said, I completely agree with you on Greinke. I really like this guy and I am rooting for him. This bullpen stint looks like, at least to me, a preventative measure to keep Zach's head in place.


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