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Message #4564 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Jason Whitlock of the Kansas City Star has an interesting take on how blacks and whites view Barry Bonds and his home runs differently----' We (black people) see a brilliant player who is being singled out and persecuted for a “crime” that everyone else did and is doing. White people see an arrogant cheater who must be punished and serve as an example of the penalty for cheating the game.'
Date:  5/19/07, 09:58am
This generalization does make some sense if you think about it. When McGwire was breaking the record in '98, there was barely a peep about his use of performance enhancers, other than a little hint of the Astrostenedione pills in his locker. When Bonds hit his 73 in '01, the media all of a sudden "discovered" that steroids could possibly be a factor. Not long after this, Ken Caminiti and Jose Canseco decided to spill the beans and the rest, as they say, is history.

So, Whitlock could be making a valid point in some ways, but it's certainly not true in my case. Bonds is indeed an arrogant jerk, but I've resented many white athletes (i.e. Will Clark, Pete Rose, Bill Laimbeer, Todd Marinovich, Ryan Leaf, etc.) for being the same way. Admittedly, the fact that Ba-Bo plays for the team with the Halloween costumes plays a role in my loathing of him as well. But, then again, if a classy guy like Willie Mays was in the same position, I believe I would be rooting for him to break the record, though not enthusiastically as a die-hard Dodger fan.

In the end, Bonds hitting 756 doesn't really matter so much because Alex Rodriguez is going to ultimately get the record. I'll wholeheartedly cheer him on and I wouldn't be surprised if Hank Aaron is actually there when it happens.

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Message #4569 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Jason Whitlock of the Kansas City Star has an interesting take...
Date:  5/21/07, 4:55pm (Last Edited: 5/21/07, 4:55pm)
This kind of stuff doesn't make a lot of sense to me... and, the sad thing is, it might IF the current HR leader was a white man.

Who is being protected by asterisk'ing Barry's HR record? Babe Ruth? Of course not.

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Message #4570 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Jason Whitlock of the Kansas City Star has an interesting take on how blacks and whites view Barry Bonds and his home runs differently----' We (black people) see a brilliant player who is being singled out and persecuted for a “crime” that everyone else did and is doing. White people see an arrogant cheater who must be punished and serve as an example of the penalty for cheating the game.'
Date:  5/21/07, 7:09pm
Im indian and in my honest opinion Barry Bonds with out a doubt it the greatest player of all time. I think that the media is always over exaggerating this racial thing. If there is any controvery it should be over the use of steroids there is no link between use of steroids and race. To me even if he used steroids or not i find it difficuly for a person to hit 700+ HR's. To accomplish that you need great timing, good hand eye coordination and of course, great skill. I also find it disappointing that Major league baseball and Bud Selig will not celebrate the breaking of Hank Aarons record. To me this is not a good thing for baseball.

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Message #4572 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  reyes4mvp
Subject:  Re: Jason Whitlock of the Kansas City Star has an interesting take on how blacks and whites view Barry Bonds and his home runs differently----' We (black people) see a brilliant player who is being singled out and persecuted for a “crime” that everyone else did and is doing. White people see an arrogant cheater who must be punished and serve as an example of the penalty for cheating the game.'
Date:  5/21/07, 10:49pm
Personally I can't Bonds, but that's just because I am an A's fan, not because he is not a great player. In my opinion (as humble and small as it is), Bonds should get the attention he deserves. The whole "steroids" scandal came up mainly because Selig didn't want to admit he actually played a part in the breaking of the home run record. Mounds were lowered and the strike zone tightened. Remember the juiced baseball theory that seemed to die out? Right around the time that steroids came into the picture.

The worst thing going on in baseball right is Selig. He has done nothing good for the game. While revenues for teams (which he is an owner) go up, the cost for attending games goes through the roof, and more people are essentially "locked out" of watching Major League baseball. For a long time, I attended about fifteen to twenty Cleveland Indians' games a year (depending on when the A's were in town). Now, I'm lucky to go to three. Too much money. Sad really. My guess is the reason that Selig and Hammerin' Hank won't be at the game to watch Bonds break the record: cost too much.

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