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Message #5122 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  The wives of Alex Gordon and Luke Hochevar draw a blank when asked by a Dallas radio station who Yoko Ono is. Station's response on-air is 'stupid b******'
Date:  4/29/08, 10:42pm
Mrs. Gordon and Hochevar shouldn't take it so hard. The second Mrs. Paul McCartney probably has no idea who Yoko is either. When it comes to stupid b**** wives in baseball, Anna Benson still tops them all, in my opinion.

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Message #5123 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Moonlight Graham  
Subject:  Re: The wives of Alex Gordon and Luke Hochevar draw a blank when asked by a Dallas radio station who Yoko Ono is. Station's response on-air is 'stupid b******'
Date:  4/30/08, 7:48am
I had the opportunity to attend a taping of Costas Now last night in NY. It was a special on sports in the media featuring five segments, one was on sportstalk radio and another on the internet and blogging. Representatives for the two mediums, Chris Russo of WFAN in NY and Rick Leitch of were exposed as having no subsatnce by the Giants' Michael Strahan and Friday Night Lights author, Buzz Bissinger, respectively. That both admitted in their openings that their business depends upon their preying on the negative served as ammunition for the actual sportsmen to blow them up. This character assassination of these two young women is another example. Both of them are likely under 25, born after Lennon was murdered. That Yoko has never had any fame other than being Lennon's wife makes her very obscure to their generation. I have three sons in college on academic scholarships and I'm pretty sure that none of them knows who she is. Does that make them a**holes? No, the same way this idiot on the radio has no right referring to them as b*tches. Sorry to go on so long but this is a very sore subject with me. Anyway, watch the show when it airs. You'll especially enjoy Joe Buck and Dan Patrick.

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