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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Chicago Cubs : Reading "Season Rollercoaster Going Up" Thread

Message #26 of 34  *NEW*
To:  Cubs fans
Subject:  Season Rollercoaster Going Up
Date:  7/15/05, 7:30pm
Well, the Cubs have now won five in a row and things are looking pretty good -- for now. As fans of this team know, several times this year have the Cubs started to play well, appearing that a major move in the standings is imminent... only to immediately turn around and fall flat on their faces again. But if they continue to get the starting pitching like they have in these first two games of the second half against the Pirates, the Cubs should win a lot more consistently. What's really puzzling is how the Nationals and Braves dominated Cubs hitters, then since facing Dontrelle Willis they have pounded the ball the last five games. Like I said, this has been going on all year, but hopefully with this lineup of Jerry Hairston and Todd Walker at the top, along with some great pitching, more consistent winning is in the near future.

No team should be taken for granted, but this is a weak portion of the schedule that the Cubs must take advantage of right now, especially with several teams to pass. One thing working in their favor is that all the teams in the NL East play a lot of each other. This weekend, for example, as long as the Cubs win they will gain ground on at least two teams. And they have lots of games left against Houston, the only team ahead of them not from the NL East. Some people are still talking about catching St. Louis, but the twelve or so games are probably too much in my opinion to make up against a good team, even with all the head-to-head games left. In those fourteen games, the Cubs at the extreme least would have to go at least 10-4 to have any chance at all to make up that much ground. Anyway, at this point in the year as long as the Cubs win they shouldn't need to worry about what the other teams in the Wild Card chase are doing.

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