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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Chicago Cubs : Reading "You're kidding me??" Thread

Message #27 of 34  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  You're kidding me??
Date:  3/25/06, 7:10am
Okay, so I'm new here and all, but all of the Cubs posts are from 05? I've got to be in the wrong place...

So let's get things started...

Cubs finish second in the division (think they're better than Milwaukee and Houston), and battle the Mets and Padres for the Wild Card? Any discussion???


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Message #28 of 34  *NEW*
To:  duanekline
Subject:  Re: You're kidding me??
Date:  3/25/06, 8:01am
Welcome duanekline! I think the Cubs are better than the Astros & Brewers. I think the Cubs will win their division but without Prior & Wood(who both seem to be made of glass) you have to wonder. Carlos Zambrano is awesome! I'll say that. How about beyond that though for their starting pitchers? Their line up at the plate will be awesome!

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Message #29 of 34  *NEW*
To:  duanekline
Subject:  Re: You're kidding me??
Date:  3/25/06, 9:17am
>Okay, so I'm new here and all, but all of the Cubs posts are
>from 05? I've got to be in the wrong place...

Yah, it is a pisser, ain't it? Hopefully, you can help change that. Bring some more Cubs' fans.

Because of Harry Carey, I am a Cubs' fan. My brothers and I trekked to Wrigley in 1993 just to say we saw him perform during the 7th inning... and then, we just plain fell in love with the town and the fans.

Nobody has ever seen the true meaning of a diehard, loyal baseball fan until they have walked around the immediate surroundings of Wrigley a few hours before the game.

It is like a Cubs convention.


>So let's get things started...
>Cubs finish second in the division (think they're better than
>Milwaukee and Houston), and battle the Mets and Padres for the
>Wild Card? Any discussion???

I had the Cubs finishing first in the division when Gregg and I made predictions in our podcast. The continued glass bodies of Kerry Wood and Prior have caused me hesitation, though.

So long as Prior can pitch 185 innings and Wade Miller and Kerry Wood come back strong, I think the Cubs still have a solid chance.

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Message #30 of 34  *NEW*
To:  duanekline
Guest10011 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: You're kidding me??
Date:  3/25/06, 7:22am
How's Wood and Prior doing? With them the Cubs can compete, without them????

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Message #31 of 34  *NEW*
To:  Guest10011 (IP:
Subject:  Re: You're kidding me??
Date:  4/8/06, 6:45pm
Is that a serious question? To compete you need pitching. And how can you pitch with two of your main pitchers out? The cubs should give up now, or hop on maddux's back.

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