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Message #125 of 405  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Fantasy Baseball
Date:  3/5/06, 10:20am
Hi. My name is Marianne. I just joined the site today. I have been playing Fantasy baseball on ESPN for a few years now. It is a very simple set up and easy for me to do I have one championship t-shirt in my closet and always hoping for another.

I just started podcasting and I plan to use my show to talk about some baseball this year. I started a league called Podcasters League and hope to include it in the show. It is a keeper league-goes for three years. I like keeper leagues because it gives you a chance to build up your team and I like to get to know the people I play with. I hope to blog on this site as time allows.

Go Giants!

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Message #129 of 405  *NEW*
To:  TurboMak
Subject:  Re: Fantasy Baseball
Date:  3/5/06, 4:07pm
Hi TM:

I look forward to reading your blog... as of now, you can't post HTML in your posts here, so you can only post a link to your podcast now (by typing the URL; bgeeks will automagically convert that to a hyperlink).

With your help, I am more than willing to add a function to allow you to post a podcast stream, etc (if you have one). Just email me the HTML, and I'll figure out how to allow you to incorporate the HTML in your posts...

So, what turned you to the dark side in 1986? A move was enough?

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Message #133 of 405  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Fantasy Baseball
Date:  3/7/06, 9:21am
The move to the dark side? LOL....the move to northern cal was enough-couldn't get the Dodger games on tv or radio so I started watching the Giants. That was in the Roger Craig days(Hummmm Baby!) and then Dusty Baker-which was almost like watching a Dodgers game Anyway, just started liking the team. And of course, it is always fun to watch Barry bat.

Here is the url to my blogsite that has the link to the feed.

The podcast is about various topics. Besides baseball I have tidbits about Lost, fishing tips for the lakes and rivers in the Trinity Alps, kayaking news, and soon some interviews and travel logs. Hence the name Turbo Blender-it is quite a mix.

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Message #136 of 405  *NEW*
To:  TurboMak
Subject:  Re: Fantasy Baseball
Date:  3/10/06, 11:49am
Last time I looked my league was still wide open. I need seven people to fill it up before Mar 31.

Anybody interested? It is on ESPN-keeper league that goes for three years. Results of the week will be announced live on my podcast and any trash talk that is fir to air to the public

Go Giants!

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