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Message #17 of 405  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  BBM Comments
Date:  4/19/05, 11:30pm
There are several players I want to go after and I am sitting here near the deadline thinking about second guessing my choies. I am very happy to date with my team and am excited to get to watch them play.

Looking over Rob's potential starting line-up gives me some concerns. Burnett has a slight era advantage over Pedro and Rob has some players that are on fire right now. Can't wait till ball playin' starts.

Good Luck to All

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Message #19 of 405  *NEW*
To:  Boogaman
Subject:  Re: BBM Comments
Date:  4/23/05, 11:11am
Well, you made me waste a Burnett complete game. Oh, how I hate losing Opening Day. Fortunately, I got lucky with the only good Randy Johnson quality start of the year. I was certain I was gonna lose this one, too.

Good luck to all this year. Tell your Dad, Dr.Rub, not to get frustrated.

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