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Gallardo has torn knee ligament; could be out for season
Rob Reed25880
Gallardo has torn knee ligament; could be out for season by Rob Reed, posted 5/02/08, 5:16pm
In a weird follow-up, Smoltz sends text message to newspaper, saying he is coming back as a reliever
Rob Reed38351
Re: In a weird follow-up, Smoltz sends text message to newspaper, saying he is coming back as a reliever by JoeKool2322, posted 5/2/08, 3:51pm
Missed out on Max, and Adenhart killed you? Here's another chance to enter the 'young pitching' free agent frenzy. Meet Darrell Rasner.
Rob Reed24250
Missed out on Max, and Adenhart killed you? Here's another chance to enter the 'young pitching' free agent frenzy. Meet Darrell Rasner. by Rob Reed, posted 5/02/08, 09:38am
Tulowitski could be out until the All-Star Break
Tulowitski could be out until the All-Star Break by Anonymous, posted 5/02/08, 09:31am
Canseco loses home to foreclosure
Canseco loses home to foreclosure by Eagleye290, posted 5/01/08, 9:11pm
Pitching prospect Nick Adenhart comes up tonight
Rob Reed23530
Pitching prospect Nick Adenhart comes up tonight by Rob Reed, posted 5/01/08, 1:28pm
Jeff Clement is the latest among 'potential fantasy saviors' with no remarkable MLB track record. Catcher qualification soon, if not now, in many leagues, though
Rob Reed23730
Jeff Clement is the latest among 'potential fantasy saviors' with no remarkable MLB track record. Catcher qualification soon, if not now, in many leagues, though by Rob Reed, posted 5/01/08, 11:42am
Arod hits the DL for the fifth time in his career
Rob Reed84534
Re: Arod hits the DL for the fifth time in his career by drrubb, posted 5/1/08, 6:35am
Smoltz is willing to rejoin the bullpen
Smoltz is willing to rejoin the bullpen by Jaydawg, posted 4/30/08, 10:05pm
Max Scherzer makes the rotation after one relief appearance
Rob Reed23730
Max Scherzer makes the rotation after one relief appearance by Rob Reed, posted 4/30/08, 9:42pm
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