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Some would argue that White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen has a lot of heart; unfortunately, it might be a lot of defective heart
Some would argue that White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen has a lot of heart; unfortunately, it might be a lot of defective heart by Anonymous, posted 3/16/05, 4:58pm
Canseco denied immunity; will take Fifth at hearings.
Re: Canseco denied immunity; will take Fifth at hearings. by Reedster, posted 3/16/05, 12:20pm
3753's first cartoon
Anonymous21710's first cartoon by Anonymous, posted 3/16/05, 11:52am
Ranking of the teams that had the best winter breaks
Re: Ranking of the teams that had the best winter breaks by Desert_Chill, posted 3/16/05, 11:00am
'There were 73 positive tests for the steroid nandrolone among baseball players in 2003, but only one for nandrolone in 2004, according to a five-page cover letter attached to about 400 pages of documents that Major League Baseball gave the House Government Reform Committee this week.'
Re: 'There were 73 positive tests for the steroid nandrolone among baseball players in 2003, but only one for nandrolone in 2004, according to a five-page cover letter attached to about 400 pages of documents that Major League Baseball gave the House Government Reform Committee this week.' by Guest254 (IP:, posted 3/16/05, 10:30am
Schilling still thinks he could pitch on Opening Day
Schilling still thinks he could pitch on Opening Day by Anonymous, posted 3/16/05, 09:09am
Interesting take on the Red Sox-Queer Eye collaboration
Interesting take on the Red Sox-Queer Eye collaboration by Anonymous, posted 3/16/05, 03:35am
20-year professional baseball player Trenidad Hubbard hopes to make Astros squad
20-year professional baseball player Trenidad Hubbard hopes to make Astros squad by Reedster, posted 3/15/05, 11:31pm
'Suddenly the debate over whether Mauer's Hall of Fame career is going to end up being better than Prior's Hall of Fame career centers on two injured players with some major question marks.'
'Suddenly the debate over whether Mauer's Hall of Fame career is going to end up being better than Prior's Hall of Fame career centers on two injured players with some major question marks.' by Reedster, posted 3/15/05, 9:53pm
Shoulder injury places Kurt Ainsworth's baseball career in jeopardy
Shoulder injury places Kurt Ainsworth's baseball career in jeopardy by Anonymous, posted 3/15/05, 7:00pm
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