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Sale of the A's needs to pass only one more hurdle before approval
Sale of the A's needs to pass only one more hurdle before approval by Reedster, posted 3/13/05, 1:30pm
By his recent comments,Terry Francona appears to be fixated on Red Sox players in the shower
By his recent comments,Terry Francona appears to be fixated on Red Sox players in the shower by Reedster, posted 3/13/05, 11:11am
Giambi admits to having used steroids... no, not that Giambi
Giambi admits to having used steroids... no, not that Giambi by Reedster, posted 3/13/05, 06:19am
'Mark McGwire's name came up several times in a landmark FBI anabolic steroids inquiry that led to 70 convictions in the early 1990s'
'Mark McGwire's name came up several times in a landmark FBI anabolic steroids inquiry that led to 70 convictions in the early 1990s' by Reedster, posted 3/13/05, 03:58am
The Congress-MLB steroid saga continues; both are negotiating to leave the players out of the hearing altogether
The Congress-MLB steroid saga continues; both are negotiating to leave the players out of the hearing altogether by Anonymous, posted 3/13/05, 12:06am
Schilling, Thomas, and Canseco are on the short list of those ballplayers who have agreed to comply with Congressional subpoena
Re: Schilling, Thomas, and Canseco are on the short list of those ballplayers who have agreed to comply with Congressional subpoena by Jaydawg, posted 3/12/05, 8:53pm
Carlos Lee hit in hand by pitch; x-rays negative
Carlos Lee hit in hand by pitch; x-rays negative by Reedster, posted 3/12/05, 7:27pm
Thousands of Mets' fans sob as Victor Zambrano does a very bad imitation of Scott Kazmir
Thousands of Mets' fans sob as Victor Zambrano does a very bad imitation of Scott Kazmir by Reedster, posted 3/12/05, 5:58pm
Worcester, MA's new minor-league team is named the Tornadoes: provocative team name or offensive insult?
Worcester, MA's new minor-league team is named the Tornadoes: provocative team name or offensive insult? by Reedster, posted 3/12/05, 4:19pm
Baseball asks: how you doin', Magglio? Magglio responds: watch this
Baseball asks: how you doin', Magglio? Magglio responds: watch this by Reedster, posted 3/12/05, 2:45pm
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