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Message #1054 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Kevin Brown having problems with his back... again
Date:  4/02/05, 12:00pm

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Message #1058 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Kevin Brown having problems with his back... again
Date:  4/2/05, 2:14pm
Good, I hope the entire Yankees rotation falls apart.

Their lineup too.

Except Matsui, I picked him up on my fantasy team :-)

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Message #1060 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Pipman
Subject:  Re: Kevin Brown having problems with his back... again
Date:  4/2/05, 6:06pm
Cool ! I see we have another Yankee hater! I hate them so damn bad I won't even draft a Yankee for my fantasy baseball team! To pull for even one Yankee player would be like burning my soul!

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Message #1082 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Pipman
Subject:  Re: Kevin Brown having problems with his back... again
Date:  4/4/05, 7:49pm
I can recall growing up during the '80's in Southern California with a lot of former New Yorkers who were big Mets fans. They agreed with me that Steinbrenner was a pompous #**! and would say that Yankee Stadium should be destroyed and turned into a garbage dump. Now, these same New York refugees are rooting for the Bronx Bombers and deny ever cheering for the Mets. Talk about bandwagon jumpers!!!! It's very rare to find someone today wearing a Mets cap.

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