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Message #1507 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Kevin Millwood Is In Talks To Join Texas Rangers
Date:  12/20/05, 8:00pm
Kevin Millwood, 2005's A.L. ERA leader, is in talks to sign with the Rangers for a four-year deal worth between $45-50 million. If Millwood proves that last year wasn't a fluke, then he'll be of great benefit to the Ranger ballclub. Even an average Millwood will help fill in the void left by Chris Young's departure. Overall, it could be a decent move by Texas.

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Message #1509 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Kevin Millwood Is In Talks To Join Texas Rangers
Date:  12/20/05, 8:21pm
Almost a necessity now that they had to part with Chris Young for Eaton. If it were me, I would have dealt Laird before Young. With Young, the Opening Day rotation looks like this:


Without him, there's still a big hole. That means Loe, not a sure thing by any means, moves up to #4 and maybe CJ Wilson gets a crack at the 5. And since when does Showalter play his rooks with any consistency? If Barajas is his guy, he will make no bones about playing him 5-6 days/week. Still don't like the Eaton trade for TEX.

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Message #1512 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Kevin Millwood Is In Talks To Join Texas Rangers
Date:  12/20/05, 11:15pm has Millwood as the 33th best starter in all of baseball last year, according to the standard 5x5 pitching stats (K, ERA, WHIP, W, SV). He is ranked 13th among all AL leaguers.

He is good... his ERA will be helpful... but he wasn't as good as his ERA suggests.

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Message #1524 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Guest4474 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Kevin Millwood Is In Talks To Join Texas Rangers
Date:  12/22/05, 11:36am
for fantasy purposes, you have to add a full point in ERA for 06, imo. cleveland is the best pitcher's park in the AL.

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Message #1563 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Re: Kevin Millwood Is In Talks To Join Texas Rangers
Date:  12/27/05, 8:16pm
Well, it's official.. Kevin Millwood signed with the Rangers today. Even though it's improbable that Millwood will put up the same numbers as last year, he'll still be a good asset to the Ranger rotation. With Vicente Padilla and Adam Eaton, Texas has pretty decent starters.

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