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Message #1827 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Jackie Robinson's Daughter Says: 'Don't Retire Roberto Clemente's Number'
Date:  1/24/06, 7:50pm
I respectfully disagree with Sharon Robinson on this one. Like Jackie, Roberto Clemente was a great humanitarian. When he died in that plane crash, he was delivering supplies to earthquake victims in Nicaragua. Roberto did stuff like that all the time. I don't think it delutes the recognition of Jackie Robinson in any way by retiring number 21 alongside 42. Clemente was the first big Latin star and paved the way for so many others, just like Robinson did for African-Americans.

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Message #1828 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Jackie Robinson's Daughter Says: 'Don't Retire Roberto Clemente's Number'
Date:  1/24/06, 8:01pm (Last Edited: 1/24/06, 8:02pm)
She has a point. I just don't think she should be the one to make it.

#42 is retired across the board because of the huge wall Jackie crushed. This courage has never been matched in the game of baseball, as far as I am concerned.

If we retire Clemente because of the tragedy of his death, then why not Thurman Munson?

The Pirates retired Clemente's number. That should be enough.

Of course, Jackie is my all-time favorite player, so -- yes -- my opinion could be jaded.

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Message #1846 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Jackie Robinson's Daughter Says: 'Don't Retire Roberto Clemente's Number'
Date:  1/25/06, 7:53pm
Not here to make waves...just hear me out.
Your so right Reedster, Jackie tore down the biggest wall that has ever been
put up in the history of the game, but did we retire Jackie's number only
because of the walls he tore down. Don't get me wrong Jackie is one of the best
players ever and one of my favorites, but Clemente's numbers overshadows
Jackies. Then again if we do retire numbers according to how great they were
playing the game and not according to their social triumphs then why is #3 not
retired by The MLB?

Roberto: Awards: All-Star (12): 1960-67, 1969-72; National League MVP 1966;
Gold Glove (12): 1961-1972; 1971 World Series MVP

Jackie: Awards: All-Star (6): 1949-1954; National League MVP 1949; Rookie of
the Year 1947

P.s. love the site...thank you!!!

"If youre not cheating youre not trying"

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Message #1852 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  spikeshigh
Subject:  Re: Jackie Robinson's Daughter Says: 'Don't Retire Roberto Clemente's Number'
Date:  1/26/06, 10:55am
>Not here to make waves...just hear me out.
>Your so right Reedster, Jackie tore down the biggest wall that
>has ever been put up in the history of the game, but did we
>retire Jackie's number only because of the walls he
>tore down.

Well, yes and no (but mostly yes). As you alluded, Jackie didn't play that many years... so, his stats aren't the "prototypical" hall of famer stats.

Still, in the face of the greatest adversity any baseball player in history has ever known, he not only swallowed his pride, but he faced numerous death threats, epithets, etc.


I am a big fan of Roberto Clemente. He was one of the best to ever wear a baseball uniform in the Major Leagues. I just don't think that his contributions rise to the level, requiring EVERY team to retire his number.

The point was made... and it really makes sense. If we start doing this, we will have to start doing this MANY times over... and, in the next few hundred years (if baseball can survive), we'll start seeing numbers like 1034 on the backs of jerseys.

>P.s. love the site...thank you!!!

My pleasure... this site is only as good as the contributions of our users... and your contributions (in a single day) have already made the site better.

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