Well, it's based on the reasoning that if Saddam Hussein was replaced by bin Laden, you wouldn't jump for joy.Granted, we don't truly know what McCourt wants to do with the team since he's been absolutly silent.. However, his past history and facts about his buy don't bode well.- He tried to buy the Boston Red Sox with the goal of tearing down the classic Fenway Park for a shopping mall and building a new park to drive business to his parking lot property.- With that in mind, reports have surfaced that McCourt wants the Dodgers only for the Chavez Ravine property.. Tear down the stadium for condos and build a new park downtown. While he hasn't stated this, or anything, publically, reports of this are in the Times every day and he hasn't done anything to deny this to anger-brewing fans (Note that while he probably wouldn't have the support of many for a downtown park, Chavez Ravine would be his land to do as he pleases)- To buy the Dodgers, he is borrowing a great deal of money, including quite a bit from Fox which will remain a partial owner of the team.. No reason to be happy there.- With limited funds,its been concluded by many that the Dodgers will run a small market budget much like the Padres, Expos and what the Angels used to be. The offseason moves, getting rid of Kevin Brown and replacing him with Bubba Trammell, seem to add to this conclusion.No... No reason to be happy. Kind of like watching a place you loved becoming skid row. It's becoming a refugee.The worst thing is there's nothing we can reallydo. Fox wants this and Bud Selig, who needs their TV money, will grant their every wish. This isn't the end of the Fox nightmare. In some ways, the last few years may have been a prequel to what's to come.I can see that caravan of refugees going up the 5 already.
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