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Message #2065 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Young Outfielders with a Fantasy Edge
Date:  2/13/06, 09:57am

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Message #2066 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Anonymous
Subject:  Re: Young Outfielders with a Fantasy Edge
Date:  2/13/06, 10:01am (Last Edited: 2/13/06, 10:02am)
There will be a very steady crop of prospects to gamble with this year. Obviously, they won't all pay off.

Hermida isn't mentioned here, though, and probably should be (although I think this blog has mentioned him in the past). I actually like Murton, Holliday, Gomes, and Hermida as good, young fantasy picks this year.

I have a feeling Sizemore is going to fall off. I am not going to avoid him in my fantasy draft, though, if I can get him cheap.

Delmon Young is going to have a playing time problem until the Rays gt rid of Lugo, or one of their other outfielders.

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