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Message #2042 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  New book accuses Harry Carey of being a dick
Date:  2/11/06, 07:10am
This author can kiss my Harry Carey loving butt!

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Message #2044 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Anonymous
Guest6626 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: New book accuses Harry Carey of being a dick
Date:  2/11/06, 9:30am
Holy Cow!

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Message #2045 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Guest6626 (IP:
Subject:  Re: New book accuses Harry Carey of being a dick
Date:  2/11/06, 9:32am
This was my comment on DeadSpin... says it all:

My baseball-loving brothers and I made a, well, "pilgrimage" to Wrigley from Los Angeles in 1993 with the express purpose of hearing Harry in the 7th inning.

He was awesome.

And, in fact, courteous.

One of my brothers shouted at him from below his press box during a break between innings, and he posed for a photo for my brother, no questions asked, from the box.

If anything can be said negative about Harry, it should only be that his Holy Cow Soda (served at his restaurant) was more NO on the Holy and more YES on the Cow... but I loved the guy.

This author can shove it.

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Message #2051 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Anonymous
Subject:  Re: New book accuses Harry Carey of being a dick
Date:  2/12/06, 5:48am (Last Edited: 2/12/06, 6:06am)
Milo Hamilton sounds like a bitter guy, who was once snubbed for the Cubs broadcaster position in favor of Harry Caray. He also seems to dislike his former co-broadcaster, Larry Dierker, though this one could be understandable. But, much of his anger is directed at Caray for some reason. In retrospect, Hamilton should have come out with his memoirs when Harry was still alive, so both sides of the story could be known.

Personally, I feel that Harry Caray stayed in the broadcast booth way too long. From what I've heard, Caray was one of the best during his KMOX days in St. Louis. However, in his last years, he often seemed very disoriented and said some things that didn't make any sense. His comments about Hideo Nomo's (or was it Chan Ho Park's?) eye shape comes first to mind. Yet, you can't help liking the guy. I loved his fan-friendly personality and enthusiasm for the game. Harry's willingness to stick out his head and pose for a picture I took of him at Wrigley Field impressed me a great deal. A few years after taking a trip to Wrigley, my brother Chris (AKA- Dodger Refugee) and I ran into Harry on the Club Level at Dodger Stadium near the elevators. With my best Harry Caray impersonation I said, "Nothing beats a Bud Man and a Cub fan. Holy Cow!". Without missing a beat, Harry responded with a big chuckle and said, "Hey, that's pretty good!". Overall, Harry Caray was a great ambassador for baseball.

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Message #2053 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: New book accuses Harry Carey of being a dick
Date:  2/12/06, 7:17am
What do you think about Harry's son & grandson? Personally, I love Skip Carey. He always reminds me of a drunk Kermit the Frog when he speaks some times. Or maybe that was just me when I tried to imitate his unique voice. Skip & Chip have represented Harry very well by following in Harry's footsteps. I'm not saying there as good as Harry Carey in his prime, but they haven't let him down either. Personally though, Chip(Harry's grandson) looks kind of like a dick to me.

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Message #2061 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
Subject:  Re: New book accuses Harry Carey of being a dick
Date:  2/12/06, 8:32pm
I like Chip Caray a lot. Like his Grandfather, he's very fan-friendly. Yet, unlike his gramps, he's not a homer for the Cubs all the time. Chip always gives a straightforward view on every aspect in the game and is never bashful about criticizing the Cubs whenever they don't meet their expectations. With the obvious exception of Vin Scully, I don't think there's a better broadcaster in the game today than Chip Caray.
On the other hand, I've never fancied Skip Caray's style. His voice sounds irritating to me, especially when he says, "Braves win, Braves win!!!". Now, I don't mind that Skip is a homer for the Braves, but he always makes the team sound like it's all picture perfect. His style is tailor-made for the Yankees and I wonder why George Steinbrenner never hired him. Even Harry Caray found something wrong with his Cubbies once in a while.

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Message #2067 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: New book accuses Harry Carey of being a dick
Date:  2/13/06, 10:05am
>Even Harry Caray found something wrong with his Cubbies once
>in a while.

Like our favorite sound clip of Harry (that I tried to find recently, by the way, for the start of our podcast).

It is the one where someone is calling into Harry's postgame show -- goes something like this:

Hey Harry.

H: Huh?

Cubs Suck.

H: Oh, for gobligagah (obviously unintelligible speech, probably whiskey induced). We will not tolerate that kind of language on LOOP radio. [Then with a chuckle] Even if it is true.

For the record, I like both Chip and Skip. I don't mind "homerism" like Skip's, personally. I find it entertaining.

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