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Message #2122 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Albert Belle is arrested and accused of stalking ex-girlfriend
Date:  2/16/06, 7:45pm
Looks like Albert "Don't call me Joey" Belle strikes again. He'll never learn and it's too bad because he was a pretty good ballplayer with Hall of Fame numbers. Unfortunately, Belle's shenanigans off the field will always take a front seat to his performance on the field.

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Message #2127 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Guest6877 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Albert Belle is arrested and accused of stalking ex-girlfriend
Date:  2/17/06, 9:12am
When Belle was with the Indians, an opposing manager went to the umpires and told them Belle was using a corked bat. The umpires confiscated Belle's bat and had it locked in the umpires dressing room, until after the game when they could hand it over to baseball officials. While the game was going on, the Indians had pitcher Jason Grimsley crawl through the air ducts so he could get into the umpires dressing room and switch the corked bat with a legitimate one. When Grimsley was ready to go he told the equipment guy to get him another one of Belle's bats for the switch. The equipment guy said, "I can't give you another one of Belle's bats, THEY'RE ALL CORKED!"

Grimsley told that story to Yankee announcer Michael Kay, when he was with the Yankees.

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Diary of A Baseball Geek

Message #2141 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Guest6877 (IP:
Subject:  Re: Albert Belle is arrested and accused of stalking ex-girlfriend
Date:  2/17/06, 7:52pm
Wow!!! this is the same guy that got more votes for the Hall than the "THRILL"? so sad....

"If youre not cheating youre not trying"

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Message #2148 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Re: Albert Belle is arrested and accused of stalking ex-girlfriend
Date:  2/18/06, 9:36am
According to recent reports, Belle put a GPS device on his ex-girlfriends car and would show up wherever she was (market, mall, gym, etc.). Here's Joey's latest response to this controversy-- "How come you guys in the media always talk about the bad stuff about me and never the good stuff?"
Hmmmm, maybe it's because of the fact that 80% of the stuff he does is bad. It's too bad because he'd be in Cooperstown if he could've been a much better person.

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