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Message #2129 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Scott Erickson signs minor league deal with Yankees, which gives me an opportunity to repost a picture of his wife in the comments thread
Date:  2/17/06, 10:07am
He is worth signing just to see this gal at the ballpark...

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Message #2130 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Guest6890 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Scott Erickson signs minor league deal with Yankees, which gives me an opportunity to repost a picture of his wife in the comments thread
Date:  2/17/06, 10:13am
Wow! Hope he makes the team so we can see more of her! She's hotter than Anna Benson.

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Message #2131 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Scott Erickson signs minor league deal with Yankees, which gives me an opportunity to repost a picture of his wife in the comments thread
Date:  2/17/06, 11:13am (Last Edited: 2/17/06, 1:58pm)
Lisa Guerrero used to 'date' Lou Merloni.

I have actual baseball knowledge about Mr. Erickson, but the first things that come to my mind are that he married a chick who has done half of MLB.

Michelle Damon is going to be very jealous.

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Message #2135 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  redsoxchick
Subject:  Re: Scott Erickson signs minor league deal with Yankees, which gives me an opportunity to repost a picture of his wife in the comments thread
Date:  2/17/06, 1:59pm
>I have actual baseball knowledge about Mr. Erickson, but the
>first things that come to my mind are that he married a chick
>who has done half of MLB.

See, I think I just may be a typical, sick guy.

After this comment, she has all of the sudden become MORE attractive.

/I kid
//I think

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Message #2149 of 6634  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Scott Erickson signs minor league deal with Yankees, which gives me an opportunity to repost a picture of his wife in the comments thread
Date:  2/18/06, 9:54am
This might be more about the Yankees signing Lisa Guererro than Scott Erickson. This benefits her career more than it does Erickson just because she will be in NYC all the damn time now. We all know how much publicity people get in New York, not that she necessarily needs it.

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